Winners of the Africa’s prestigious 2020 Rhino Conservation Awards have been officially announced online by Love Africa Marketing to celebrate the people and organisations who work constantly to reduce the threats and increase the sustainability of conservation efforts in Africa.

This year, the Rhino Conservation Awards broadened their focus to include those working in endangered species conservation. The primary objective of the awards is to give recognition to the leading role players in endangered species conservation and in doing so bring their crucial work to the world’s attention.

‘What better way to celebrate World Ranger Day than recognising the incredible efforts of these rangers and those who support them. Well done to those nominated, the finalists and of course the winners. You all continue to inspire us,’ said organiser,  Andrew Campbell, Chief Executive Officer of the Game Rangers Association of Africa.

Campbell said all 12 shortlisted finalists were deserved winners and that the the judge’s task had not been an enviable one.

“Each individual and organization nominated deserves recognition and acknowledgement for the incredible work they do to save Africa’s natural heritage,” said Campbell.

Chris Galliers, President of the International Ranger Federation and a judge of the 2020 Awards, agreed.

‘This year has seen an incredible list of worthy candidates and having been involved since the inception of the awards, this has been the hardest to adjudicate on so far,” said Galliers.

The winners, selected by evaluation of the work done over the last 12 months, starting in July 2019, are:

Best Field Ranger: Samuel Loware of the Uganda Wildlife Authority

In Uganda’s Kidepo Valley National Park , Samuel Loware, has become something of a legend amid regular encounters with heavily armed guerrillas. Because of his effective monitoring and data collection skills, Samuel has made a significant impact on the increase of both giraffe and lion populations in the Kidepo Valley National Park. He is now conducting habitat assessments for the reintroduction of rhino into Kidepo, and other translocations of wildlife to ensure the conservation of these key species. >> Read more

Best Game Ranger: Don English of South African National Parks

For his outstanding leadership in the Kruger National Park where against all odds, through sheer tenacity and persistence and with the support of his ranger teams, he has managed to lower rhino poaching activities year on year in the Intensive Protection Zone (IPZ). >> Read more 

Best Conservation Supporter: Lynne Taylor – The Tashinga Initiative 

Lynne’s targeted initiatives ensuring rangers receive the support necessary to perform optimally have transformed the well-being and operational capabilities of the rangers in the Zambezi Valley. This enables them to function effectively and supports their extraordinary work in conservation and on-going protection of threatened species in Zimbabwe. >> Read more

Best Conservation Practitioner: SanParks Kruger National Park Airwing

This dedicated team of committed professionals work tirelessly to support rangers, veterinarians and researchers in protecting, saving, conserving and monitoring endangered species within the Kruger National Park and neighbouring protected areas. These pilots and their support staff are instrumental in many of the counter-poaching successes in the area. >> Read more

>> Click here to read citations of all shortlisted finalists in each category

About the awards

The Rhino Conservation Awards are hosted annually in collaboration with the Game Rangers’ Association of Africa (GRAA). They are sponosored  by ZEISS and Chinese New Enterprise Investment (CNEI) and are endorsed by South Africa’s Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA).

Honouring today’s winner’s patron of the awards, Prince Albert II of Monaco, said: “I’d like to say how deeply grateful I am to all these men and women. And I would also like to say that your work goes beyond the individual animals you protect and save. You are defending the rights of nature faced with humanities destructive and irresponsible greed.”

Ranger protection

At this years awards, GRAA also sponsored over 250 rangers with Ranger Protect insurance cover.

This vital policy provides rangers with the necessary protection they need to comfortably and confidently perform their duties in the field and ensures the well-being of Africa’s rangers and their families is improved through the provision of adequate insurance cover in the event of injury or death,” said Campbell.

  • Love Africa Marketing is an award winning marketing agency that specialises in environmental awareness, travel and tourism.



SANParks Airwing pilots and support staff are instrumental in many of the counter-poaching successes in the Kruger National Park. Photo: Lloyd Horgan, Vertical Magazine