Jono Hornby wallows in a mass of self-contradictions, waxes philosophical about art and worries about the future… not least his waning beer stocks. This forms part of Roving Reporters’ Coronavirus Chronicles.
Like everyone, I’m still trying to make sense of this bizarre episode of reality. It’s day three of national lockdown and my media hangover is slowly subsiding. The world looks like one big car crash and our rubber necks collectively lay limp as we brace for impact.
Humans… what strange animals we are. Yesterday, I was speaking about how we now, more than ever, need to be aware of our emotional bandwidth.
“Be mindful of what you’re consuming, bruv! Make positive, conscious decisions while you position yourself,” I say to a friend over the phone, fully aware that I’ve spent the last two days binge-watching news, eating too much, drinking too much, and generally wallowing in my own self-contradictions. What strange animals indeed.
Baby steps
Today is different. “Baby steps,” I keep telling myself. I’m tired of wallowing!
And besides, I’ve watched all the good shows on Netflix and it’s becoming evident that I have a finite amount of beer.
The news is becoming steadily more depressing and more repetitive and I find myself wondering what the big “opportunity” is that I speak so optimistically about with a quart in one hand.
I guess the answer to that will be different for everyone. In some ways this diary is a way for me to personally make sense of it, and everything else that is going on.
As an artist, my professional future feels deeply precarious. I wonder what the role of art is now, and what it will become. Is it a luxury? Or a necessary tool for us to reflect, connect and share our collective realities?

Future uncertain
I know I’m not an exception though. I’m sure a lot of people are wondering with bated breath what the future holds.
My parents have started doing yoga in the mornings, so that’s a thing. Although they were born in the 60s and smoked their fair share of dagga in their hippy days, this is still extraordinary behaviour and I admire their willingness to adapt.
I’m adapting a bit slower though. And while I try to remain optimistic around society’s ability to show humanity, I’m aware of the covid cavity that is forming around me.
How will South Africa cope with this? What will ‘normal’ look like when the dust settles?
Bear with me while I stumble through my own mind and share my ramblings with you. What a time to be alive! – Roving Reporters

Now read… Jet-set spread the disease but it’s the poor who will pay
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