The following articles from around the world are useful for people researching the effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas (MPAS)
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The Guardian
Auditors slam EU for ‘marine protected areas’ that fail to protect ocean
Only 1% of the 3,000 supposedly protected areas in the Mediterranean ban fishing. >> Read more
The American Institute of Physics
Researchers investigate how marine protected areas affect the impacts of heatwaves on ocean ecosystems
Over the past several decades, marine protected areas (MPAs) have emerged as a favoured conservation tool. By protecting marine species and safeguarding habitat, these reserves help buffer ecosystems against natural and human-made shocks alike.>> Read more
Save the Med Foundation
Local communities are the best protectors of Marine Protected Areas
Save The Med is celebrating the declaration of the marine reserve of Freu de Sa Dragonera, but warns that is the only first step. It is now that the real work begins to ensure that the area is not only protected on paper, but in action. >> Read more