WAITING FOR BETTER DAYS: A woman sits alone on a chair outside a restaurant in Da Nang, in central Vietnam. Picture: © www.iancarbutt.com

Roving Reporters invites you to send photographs of people and places –striking or somehow interesting – to illustrate the the worldwide lockdown.

Please post your lockdown pictures to our Facebook page or WhatsApp them to 083 277 8907 or 084 326 3508.

Be sure to include the contact details of who took the pictures so we can credit them properly.

We may need to verify the authenticity of the pictures too.

Please include some details of what is in your lockdown picture to help with captions.

Tell us when and where the picture was taken, what does it show and the names if possible of any one in the image.

Get snapping, but stay safe!


lockdown Vietnaam
Residents of Da Nang walk their dogs. Picture: © www.iancarbutt.com


lockdown pictures day 3 Durban
THE VERVE OF IT: Early Sunday, Day 3 of the coronavirus lockdown, and nothing stirs in suburban south Durban, except monkeys. Picture: MH


Snakepark lockdown pictures. Day 1
SCHOOL’S OUT: Surfing may be banned, but the rule does not apply to all God’s creatures. Liz Wilmans photographed a school of dolphins at Durban’s Snakepark pier on Day 1, March 27, of the lockdown. “These pictures were taken about 9:40am. Conditions were perfect, the wind only picked up later,” she told Roving Reporters’ surf-crazed director Fred Kockott. Picture: Liz Wimans, click here for more.


lockdown pictures Durban Market day 1
FRESH OUT OF PEOPLE: The Durban municipal market – empty on Day 1 of the lockdown, 27 March. Picture: Feroz Kader, a fruit and veg seller.


Port Edward surf lockdown pictures Day 1
WILD HORSES: Storm surf starts cranking in Port Edward, on KwaZulu-Natal’s lower South Coast, on Day 1 of the lockdown, 27 March. Picture: Fred Kockott



Lockdown pictures – Durban South Beach
GOLDEN MILE: The Durban beachfront at 1.40pm on 27 March – Day 1 of the coronavirus lockdown. Hoosen Padia, a financial adviser by profession, takes pictures for a hobby. This one was from his Mont Blanc, South Beach, flat.