The multinational Italian energy company, Eni, is partnering with Sasol to explore for deep sea gas and oil reserves offshore of KwaZulu-Natal’s coast. They plan to drill up to six deep-water wells within a prospecting block extending from Richard Bays in the north to Port Shepstone in the south. People have FIVE days left to comment on the draft Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report.

The draft EIA can be accessed at 


Rowdy reception for oil drillers

 Oil exploration comes with big risks

Public engagement is ‘part of our DNA’ – Eni

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Oceans Not Oil, have set in motion critical  debate around Eni and Sasol’s plans for exploratory oil and gas drilling off the KwaZulu-Natal coastline, raising a dozen issues they feel have not been adequately addressed by the draft Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report. Click here to read more.

Khalid Mather argues that, unbeknown to many, the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) has signed away the soul of the East Coast. Click here to read more

Marilia Cioni, Eni’s press officer, calls for more constructive engagement on expected benefits arising from discovery of oil and gas reserves. “Eni’s operating model focuses on reducing risk as well as environmental and social impacts. This has granted us an excellent track record in safety. Over the last three years, Eni has been the top performer in its sector in the reduction of injury rates across all its activities. Our deep-water exploration activities in Ghana, Angola and Mozambique, just to mention Sub-Saharan Africa, recorded no incident or spill.”  Click here to read more