The following extract from Makotikoti Zikhali’s writings was translated by Nompilo Kunene in 2014. Makotikoti was sentenced to five years in  jail in 2011 for killing an endangered loggerhead turtle in the iSimangaliso World Heritage. Upon his release from prison, Makotikoti began writing his life story, and lots of associated allegorical tales, such as this below.

I was born with Mr Struggle on the 10th of January 1957.

Mr Struggle and I had an agreement that once I have an ID he would never bother me ever again.

I met his son Bad Luck on the 17th of December 2009. I asked Bad Luck why he followed me around because his father and I had an agreement that he would leave me alone because I now had my ID.

Bad Luck said, “No Mr Makotikoti, my father told me that I should also have my share fun with you. He did not mention the date in which I should leave you alone therefore I cannot listen to because I was not sent by you.”

I was arrested as Bad Luck wished it upon me.  Even when I was out on bail Mr Struggle and his son Bad Luck always came my way showing me easy ways of making money which is the reason I went to prison.

While I was still in prison Brain came to me and said I should use him to get out of this struggle.

“I will chase Bad Luck away and bring you Fear,” said Brain. I know Mr Fear will treat you well.

Brain and Fear were people who did things in a very slow pace. They promised me good things in the future. They did not tell me when these things would come my way but they assured me that they will come.

I thank Brain for introducing me to Fear who was always with me. I admire Brain and Fear’s impact on my life. They helped me get rid of Struggle and Bad Luck from my life.

Brain told me his job is to help people differentiate good from bad and do things that help other people and thanks to him today we are able to say Makotikoti Arts Project. – Jabulani Makotikoti Zikhali.