Ocean Steward Amy Shurety

Already advanced deep sea diver instructor, the Ocean Stewards programme looks set to fuel Amy Shurety’s passion for the ocean.  “The sea once it casts it’s spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever,” says Amy, quoting the famous explorer and founder of marine science,  Jacques Yves Cousteau.

Amy grew up in England, Essex, before moving to South Africa at 8 years-old where she completed school at St Mary’s DSG in Kloof.

As a child growing up, the now 23 year-old always chose to be outside rather than inside. England was “very cold, but I have only happy memories from my childhood,” says Amy.

After matriculating, Amy spent a gap year volunteering in Indonesia where her passion for the environment, especially the ocean, was fueled. A degree in Marine Biology at the University of KwaZulu-Natal became an obvious choice. She completed her BSc with distinctions and is now currently studying towards an honours degree hoping to ultimately obtain a PhD in marine science.

As an advanced diver, Amy Shurety loves turtles and hopes to travel the world promoting marine conservation and initiatives like the Ocean Stewards programme.

This snapshot profile of Amy Shurety was compiled by Zamo Phungula as part of Roving Reporters Ocean Watch training programme supported by the Human Elephant Foundation and The Blue Fund – a joint initiative of Grindrod Bank and Wildlands.